Monday, January 23, 2012

Good And Evil, And The Will Of Allah !!

In Reality, Almighty Allah is The One Who Grants All Good.
He is The One Who Endows Comfort And Solace.
  He is The One Who Grants Success To One And All.
He Grants Comfort And He Showers Mercy.
  Along With All This,
The Lord Almighty Also Tests His Slaves.
  Sometimes He Tests Them With His Bounties And Sometimes He Tests Them Through Trials And Difficulties To See Which Slave Of His Turns To Him in Times Of Plenty And Quietude And Who Distances Oneself From Him. 
Almighty Allah Makes it Clear Whether The Slave Turns To Him With Thankfulness Or Turns Away From His Door,
Whether The Slave is Patient On The Trials And Tribulations Or Despairs And Swerves From His Path,
Whether The Slave Stays On The illumined Paths Of The Holy Quran And The Sunnah Or Loses Himself / Herself in The Darkness Of Disobedience And Noncompliance.

Almighty Allah Says in The Holy Quran:
And When We Bestow Upon Man (some) Blessing,

He Turns Away (from gratitude) And Escapes,

But When Some Distress Comes Upon Him,

He Despairs

 (i.e., He is Neither Grateful Nor Patient).Say: ?

Everyone Acts According To His Own (respective) Style And Nature,

And Your Lord Knows Full Well Who is Best Guided To The Straight Path.
Surah Bani Israil (17:83, 84)
It is The Belief Of Every Muslim That Good And Evil Are Both From Allah And That Bounties Are Granted From His Door.
Trials And Tribulations Are Also By His Design.
  Spring And Bloom Are Also From Him And Storms And Droughts Are Also From Him,
Protection Of Life And Wealth is Also From Him And Danger To Them is Also From Him. 
Thus, He Tests His Slaves in Every Manner.  When We Believe in Almighty Allah And The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam),
We Will Surely Be Tested,
As Almighty Allah Says in The Holy Quran:

Alif, Lam, Mim.

(Only Allah and the Messenger 
[blessings and peace be upon him] 
know The Real Meaning.) 

 Do People Think That They Will Be Released (just) On Saying: ?

We Have Believed,? 

And They Will Not Be Tried ? 


 Surah Ankabut (29:1, 2)

  Difficulties Are A Result On One’s Own Deeds.
  Holding Others Responsible For Them is Not The Practice Of Muslims.
It is in Fact The Practice Of Those Who Deny Allah,
As Mentioned in This Verse Of The Holy Quran:

And Whatever Misfortune Befalls You (comes upon you) As A Result Of That (evil work) Which Your Own Hands Have Done Whilst He Forgives Most Of Your (misdoings). 

Surah Shoora (42:30)

Our Lord !
Accept From Us; Surely U Are The Hearing, The Knowing.
My Lord!
Grant Me That I Should Be Grateful For Thy Favor Which Thou hast Bestowed On Me And On My Parents, And That I Should Do Good Such As Thou Art Pleased With, And Make Me Enter, By Thy Mercy, Into
Thy Servants, The Good Ones!

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